Recommended magazines

There is only little to none information on catboats in german magazines and european respectively. For german magazines rather the  "Yacht Classic" can be recommended. Testreports and articles about catboats can be found in previous editions from the years 1904-1981 of "Die Yacht"  in the "Yacht-archiv".
As in the USA and partly also in England some excellent clubs exist about education in traditional boatbuilding also various magazines on these topics can be recommended.

Wooden Boats

US magazin for builders, owners, designers of wooden boats;  published 6x year

Good old Boat

US magazin for sailors and owners of classic boats, as well as beautiful new boats and sailors who love their boats; published 6x year

US online magazin for sailors and motoryachties and seamanship. For everything around boats with videos, pictures and useful links.

Small Craft advisor

US magazin for small cruisers and trailer boats; published 6x year


Messing about in boats 
pdf version only through "Duckworks Boatbuilders supply"

US magazin for Do-it-yourself builders, the magazin is targeting people who like "messing about in boats"; published monthly

Watercraft magazine

UK magazin for affordable, traditional, wooden cruisers; published 6x year

Classic boat

UK magazin for enthusiasts of classic yachts and vessels; published monthly


Die Yacht classic

